Ill-Advised Records Presents The First Lofi Hip Hop Magazine!
Despite there's an unimaginable number of lofi mixes, radios, and playlists to listen to, when I was searching for something to read about lofi (like blogs and publications), I was met only with a few articles and blogs, most of them not even being really active.
The bigger was my happiness when sometime later, I kinda accidentally stumbled upon a tweet by Ill-Advised Records announcing the first issue of what I think is actually the first lofi magazine ever! And after finally finding some quiet time to read the whole thing, I gotta tell you one thing - you simply have to see this!

Guys at Ill-Advised really did an excellent job there - as the magazine itself mentions, it took more than a year and a half of submissions, not to mention all the visual work, writing, editing, and more. The result is 62 pages full of interesting content that will keep you entertained for a fair bit of time no matter if you're a beatmaker or "just" a keen listener - besides a lot of beautiful music being included, the magazine also features artist interviews, some thinking pieces about lofi in general, explores the mysterious world of dark lofi hip hop, but there are also production tutorials, tips on VST plugins and some nice resources included (like drum kits and sample packs) and a whole lot more. (My personal favorite is a brief guide on how to make lofi hip hop, that one just cracked me up haha).
But you know what's best on all this? First - everyone can get download the digital issue for free (in standard PDF format) or even read it online, but what's even better - for a few bucks, you can actually get a printed issue delivered to your door! Now, how cool is that?! The possibility of holding the physical copy of the magazine in your hands and breathing in the beautiful smell of "fresh" paper covered with ink... I bet you know what I mean ^^
It almost sounds too good to be true - I can pinch you if you want, but believe me, you're not dreaming this up. Just hit that goddamn button below and see for yourself ^^

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Welcome! My name is Pao and I'm the person behind this whole website. Besides making music myself whenever I can, I also write this blog and curate Spotify playlists. Feel free to explore it here a bit - I believe you will find some interesting stuff around ^^