Spotify Playlist Submissions - Best Finds 01/20

The first roundup of the best submissions for 2020 is here! There was a lot of new names and first-time submissions as well as a lot of submissions from familiar artists, but eventually, I have managed to pick the usual six "best" beats again (I put those quotes there 'coz as ya'll know, it's highly subjective and to be honest, there is always more beats that deserve to be here). Or let's just say, six beats that got me right into the feels the most. Big ups to everyone who submitted and of course, congratulations to the winners!
Dontcry, Glimlip, Inf - Solstice
Catlofe - Playground
SP-Mato - learning til 6
Fleeky - untitled
Galaxy Donuts - I Could
Ayzic - Kick Rocks

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Welcome! My name is Pao and I'm the person behind this whole website. Besides making music myself whenever I can, I also write this blog and curate Spotify playlists. Feel free to explore it here a bit - I believe you will find some interesting stuff around ^^