Spotify Playlist Submissions - Best Finds 05/20

A monthly selection of the "best" beats that caught my ears the most amongst all the past month's submissions is here again! It's always hard to choose just six of them, so this time I finally snapped and added three more, possibly making this a standard for the future post. And here they are, waiting for you, to put your headphones on and start exploring. Big ups to everyone who submitted their beats and congratulations to this month's winners!
funambule - Morning Hiccups
Honey T, Enoki - Remedy Nineteen
melmo - a strange boy in the forest
sftspkn - butterflies
[zoethecat] - hazy
Ayzic - Lost
lechiffrebeats - Vellichor
l'Outlander - overthinking
Blossum - Feels

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Welcome! My name is Pao and I'm the person behind this whole website. Besides making music myself whenever I can, I also write this blog and curate Spotify playlists. Feel free to explore it here a bit - I believe you will find some interesting stuff around ^^